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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Hunger Games

In the book The Hunger Games Katniss Everdeen lives in one of the 12 impoverished districts that serve the Capitol, but barley get anything in return, just enough to stay alive. On top of that every year a random boy and girl from each district have to fight to the death in an arena, which could be anything from a desert to a glacier. This event is called the Hunger Games and is a way that the Capitol shows power over the districts. Like in almost every book the main character goes to the main event. But Katniss volunteers to go, because her sister got picked. I, for sure, would never volunteer for something like that even if it was my sibling. That might sound a little selfish, but you’d have to have an enormous amount of courage to do something like what Katniss did. The odds of her coming out alive are extremely slim.

Katniss and Peeta, the other tribute from their district, travel to the Capitol to train for the Hunger Games. Once they get there the tributes get a make-over for a parade into the Capitol. Katniss and Peeta are dressed in black, all-body suits with (fake) flaming capes. The crowd absolutely loved them. The next few days all of the tributes trained in the same giant gym with all sorts of stations. Katniss and Peeta stayed in the easier stations, to not give any of their talents away. Katniss is amazing with a bow and arrow and Peeta is pretty strong. The types of stations they went to were camouflage and poisonous plants. That is a great strategy that I definitely would use, only if I have a secret way to kill people.

The Gamemakers, who supervise the Hunger Games, rank the tributes. They do this by giving each tribute about fifteen minutes to show what they can do. Katniss showed-off her bow and arrow skill with incredible accuracy, but then noticed that the Gamemakers weren’t even looking at her! I won’t give anything away, but she did something totally outrageous, which made her get a very high rank. Then there were one on one with Haymitch, an alcoholic who has won the Hunger Games and is from district 12 with Katniss and Peeta. Effie Trinket also trained them for their interviews. Katniss trained with Effie first and realized that she is terrible at walking in high-heels, which is something that I cannot relate to. Katniss’s training with Haymitch was basically a slap in the face. Haymitch overall told Katniss that she has no personality and is extremely boring. So now she has to turn to her stylist and only friend at this point for ideas. Cinna suggests that she should just answers the questions like she was talking to him, which worked out perfectly. In Peeta’s interview there was a twist that totally changed the mind-set of the book. Read it to find out what.


  1. I appreciate how you've worked to incorporate your thoughts and what you'd do if you were in the character's shoes. I would encourage you to incorporate more of a literary analysis in your writing rather than summary. If you need assistance in conducting a literary analysis, come see me.

  2. I liked how you pointed out different things in the book, with you opinion of what you would have done had you been there. I also liked how you have a good informative summary without giving to much away, just enough to get the reader to read the book.
