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Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Christmas Break

This last Christmas was the best one yet. We went sledding, drank hot chocolate, went to the Bahamas, and each person in my family won the lottery.

I wish. In reality my Christmas break was on the boring side of the scale. Well, it wasn’t terrible considering that I got off of school. Still, there was practically zero snow except for New Year’s Day. That cancels out all snowball fights, snow football, fort-building, and sledding. Enough with what didn’t happen over the break, now here’s what actually occurred.

Thursday was the last day of school, and quite possibly the best of the break. After the all-day party at school my whole family and some of my sister’s friends went to the Marquette game, because my dad had won suite tickets from his work. If I remember correctly, the golden eagles absolutely crushed UWM.

Friday: Boring. Enough said.

Saturday: Christmas Eve. My whole family went to my uncle’s house (mom’s side) for lunch and my dad’s twin’s house for dinner/ opening presents. Lunch at my uncles was fun, because some of my cousins were there and the ham we had was delicious. All we really did was eat and play Call of Duty MW3 while the parents talked upstairs. At my other uncles house almost my whole dad’s side of the family was there except for a few uncles and aunts. All I did there was hanging out with my cousins, eat tender loin, and open presents. I got a video game which was exactly what I wanted.

Sunday: Christmas. What really got me mad on this day is that we had to open presents after church, but still, it’s Christmas. From my immediate family I got a Marquette hat, shin guards, jeans, a Tim Lincecum jersey, and iTunes money. In the afternoon we went to my grandparents’ house like we always do except this year there was a considerably less amount of people there due to the packer game. What was also different about this year at my grandparents’ house is that the kid’s didn’t exchange gifts. So all I got was some shirts and socks from my grandma. After the gift opening we all sat and watched the packer game. Which, of course they won.

Monday was probably the only day of all the weekdays that’s worth talking about. During the day I bought a Zelda game for my Wii (so cool, right?) that I wanted for Christmas. Since I didn’t get it I decided to buy it with the money I got for Christmas. In the afternoon my family went to our friend’s house for dinner. That was really fun because they just got a ping-pong and air hockey table. Also my friend that’s around my age has a bunch of Nerf guns so we all had a Nerf war.

Like I said before the rest of the weekdays were pretty uneventful. But Saturday (New Years Eve) is when the interesting stuff started to pick back up again. In the afternoon my family went to some other friend house where we had fajitas and played Apples to Apples. When we got home my parents crashed at about 10 and went upstairs, but my sister and I stayed up till midnight.

Sunday: uneventful.

Monday: the most depressing day of the whole break. First, it was the last day of break. Secondly, the badgers lost in the Rose Bowl. But sill my aunt, uncle, and cousin came over for the rose bowl. We also ordered Chinese food and exchanged presents. My brother and I both got the same present: $20 in iTunes gift cards.

So as you can see there could be so much more to write about if there was snow this past Christmas. Snow makes or breaks Christmas.

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