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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Author’s Note: This is my creative point of view piece on Haymitch in The Hunger Games. The scene is when Haymitch meets Peeta and Katniss for the first time on the train. I tried to focus on my sentence fluency and voice through the piece.

Here I go meeting this year’s losing tributes.  One is a tall stick-like blondy boy with the most queasy look on his face. The other is this scrawny, high strung yet mature looking girl with brown hair and little to no muscle. I guess I'll just keep drinking this Capitol goodness until one of them impresses me.
Next thing I know I’m puking in the bathroom. It’s midnight. That looser Peeter boy tries to help clean me; what a suck-up! The thing I hate about all the years tributes is that they have no confidence. Every single first impression they give me is god-awful. They always appear so weak, nervous, and humbled by their misfortune.  The opposite should be true.  They should take this opportunity to show off to everyone that they are unwavered   by the reaping and act like they actually wanted to get picked like the tributes from District 1. But no, I’m stuck with these suckers that can barely walk they're so nervous. That, at least was the first impression this year’s tributes gave me. The next day gave me a tiny crack of hope. So there I was, having my morning drink , and that blondy steals it from me. He stole my drink. So me being me; I socked him one right in the kisser. Then that Katis girl tries to stab me. I have an odd suspicion that this year had a chance.  

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